Improving your video conferencing presence

6 min readJun 11, 2021

Be all you can be Virtually

I’ve spent the last 15+ years of my professional career working via video conferencing or audio and screen sharing. I worked for a global company with over 100,000 employees where frequently team members on projects were not at the same facility, frequently not in the same time zone, and occasionally globally dispersed.

After years of hosting and participating in virtual meetings I found a few key things that will help you be both a better presenter or host, and also a better participant.

Here are the key points I will elaborate on


  1. Setup early. Start your call or open the bridge 10 to 15 minutes before scheduled start
  2. Always share something on the screen
  3. Pause frequently to allow for interaction
  4. Take meeting notes, including follow up actions
  5. End on time


  1. Use the restroom before the call
  2. If you aren’t talking, MUTE yourself
  3. Keep your headset charged if cordless (Hosts too)
  4. Use Chat Windows for asking questions if host allows
  5. Don’t be shy, ask questions and participate
  6. If you need to depart before scheduled end, tell the host at the start, not when you leave




Ex Employee of a fortune 100 company